Pacific values diversity in our community, including in the many religious traditions that reflect us. The below is guidance to faculty and coaches for consideration of allowances for religious observances, as well as for students who would like to request an accommodation to support a religious observance.  

This list, though exhaustive in its inclusion of traditions represented on our campus, is not complete. Please direct suggestions for additions to the list of religious days of observance to the Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Among the religious holidays that might pose conflicts with the 2024-2025 academic calendar are:


Shabbat* JewishFriday sunset to Saturday sunset 
Jumu’ah IslamThursday sunset to Friday sunset 

June and July 2024

Eid al-Ghadeer ** Islam June 24-25 
1st of Muharram (Islamic New Year) ** Islam July 7 
10th of Muharram (Ashura) ** Islam July 16-17 

August and September 2024

Tisha B’Av JewishAugust 12-13 
Arbaʽeen** IslamAugust 25-26 
Paryushan ** Jain August 31-September 7 
Birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Sunni) **IslamSeptember 15
Birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Shia) ** IslamSeptember 21 

October 2024

Rosh Hashanah *Jewish October 2-4 
Yom Kippur *Jewish October 11-12 
Sukkot * Jewish October 16-23
Installation of Granth Sahib Ji as GuruSikhOctober 20 
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah * Jewish October 23-25 

November 2024

Diwali ** HinduNovember 1 
Birth of the Báb *** Baha'i November 2 
Birth of Bahá'u'lláh *** Baha'i November 3
Guru Nanak’s BirthdaySikhNovember 15
Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur JiSikhNovember 24 

December 2024 and January 2025

Christmas Christian December 25 
Hanukkah * JewishDecember 25-January 2
KwanzaaInterfaith/African-American December 26–January 1
Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh JiSikhJanuary 5
Feast of the Epiphany ChristianJanuary 6
Eastern Orthodox Christmas Orthodox Orthodox ChristianJanuary 7
Birthday of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib **IslamJanuary 12-13
Lohri-MaghiSikhJanuary 13 
Sankranti HinduJanuary 14 
Lunar New Year Interfaith/NationalJanuary 29

February and March 2025

Ramadan ** Islam February 28-March 30 
Eastern Orthodox Beginning of Lent OrthodoxOrthodox Christian March 3 
Ash Wednesday Christian March 5 
Lent Begins Christian March 5 
Purim* JewishMarch 13-14 
Holi Hindu March 14 
Now-Rúz *** Interfaith/National/BahaiMarch 21-23
Nights of Ramadan** IslamMarch 23-27 
Eid al-Fitr **    IslamMarch 30 

April 2025

Passover (Pesach) * JewishApril 12-20
VaisakhiSikhApril 14
Eastern Orthodox Good Friday Orthodox ChristianApril 18 
Good Friday ChristianApril 18 
EasterChristianApril 20 
Eastern Orthodox Easter Orthodox Orthodox ChristianApril 20 
First Day of Ridván *** Baha'iApril 20 
Ninth Day of Ridván *** Baha'iApril 29 

May 2025

Twelfth Day of Ridván *** Baha'i May 1 
Vesak (Mahayana) Buddhism May 12
Vesak (Theravada) Buddhism May 12
Declaration of the Báb *** Baha'i May 23 
Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh ***Baha'i May 28 
Ascension Day Christian May 29 
Eastern Orthodox Ascension Day Orthodox Christian May 29 

June and July 2025

Shavuot * JewishJune 1-3 
Holy Day of Arafah **IslamJune 5 
Eid al-Adha ** Islam June 6-7 
Eid al-Ghadeer ** IslamJune 14-15
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev JiSikhJune 16
Juneteenth Interfaith/African American June 19 
1st of Muharram (Islamic New Year) **Islam June 26 
10th of Muharram (Ashura) ** Islam July 4-5 
Martyrdom of the Bab *** Baha'iJuly 8-9 

*Jewish holy days begin and end at sundown on the first and last days listed.

**These holidays are calculated on a lunar calendar and are approximate. Muslim holidays begin and end at sundown on the first and last days listed.

***The Baha'i day ends and a new one begins at sunset; consequently, the day on which a Holy Day is observed begins at sunset of the day before the Gregorian calendar dates given above.